Sole Design Projects @ Justlight Technology
Sole Design Projects
@Justlight Technology
JustLight Technology provides various solutions that resolve your energy-related issues. Here you can understand what we can do for you as a company and provide a solution that helps your business improve productivity, comfort, and safety. You can also get the latest information on the world of energy-saving solutions.
I was the only designer in this company since 2018, so basically I did all the graphic design/web design/product design/video all on my own.
Redesign the Energy-Saving System:
Update the old Energy-Saving System online application, create controllable, sensible, and visible interfaces for the system to connect to IoT devices, sensor data, and controllers;
create a user-orientation system of IoT sensor network for building managers and tech supporters;
orchestrate the logic between the complex relationships of each element in this IoT sensor network.
Rebranding :
Rebrand the old logo and build a company website on Worpress.
Video Making:
Produce a video to demonstrate Justlight Smart Light features.
Produce a video to demonstrate Justlight Energy-Saving System concept.
Product Designer
UI/UX Designer
Web Developer (Wordpress)
Graphic Designer
Video Maker
The old structure
Redesign the Energy-Saving System
The Justlight Energy-Saving System is a web-based exclusive application designed for building owners to avoid the peak energy usage fine caused by unnecessary energy usage. It can help users manage and check their energy usage and adjust energy usage into a low maintenance state when needed.
Update the old Energy-Saving System online application, create controllable, sensible, and visible interfaces for the system to connect to IoT devices, sensor data, and controllers;
create a user-orientation system of IoT sensor network for building managers and tech supporters;
orchestrate the logic between the complex relationships of each element in this IoT sensor network.
Product Designer
UI/UX Designer
Product Manager
Front-End Engineer
To comply with my non-disclosure agreement (NDA), I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Justlight.
Justlight energy-saving system concept
​​Length: 5'59" Tool: Adobe After Effect, Illustrator
The old system logic

1. Lack of stratification:
The old structure put main view and area view in same level. It will cause recognition dissonance when navigate the dashboard.
2. Redundant data:
For different roles using our application, they focus on different data. Showing all data that is not necessary brings navigation load to users.
3. Unfriendly user interfaces
As well as the different device status. Users need to jump around pages to check different functional device status. It brings incomprehensive experiences, and navigation loads.
Different needs of personas to reduce redundant data
Jeff, the Building Manager
"I want to know the general situation of the building in a convenient, fast way. So that I can make my hotel running depositions accordingly."

Adam, the Maintenance Tech Support
"I have more interests on detailed and specific device status, I need that information to diagnose and fix devices.

New structures of product logic

Intuitive building status
The color indicator will show the energy usage peak status accordingly. Click on single floor can easily reach to the area status.
Different feedback of personas of the new panel
"I like how it displays each building status directly on the panel, and I can click it to access the floor status."
"The new design just makes the data not that complex."

"I like how structuralized the device status panel is. Well organized. I can find out the problems very quick."
"Like the floor plan design, very intuitive, it helps me find the location of the device easily."

New design of appearance & logo

The new logo is composed of a lightning bolt and a circle (resembles energy and lights), uses green, blue their mix, cyan-blue to emphasize the green energy.
As a sovereign application will be used by building administrators, the appearance will keep bright and clean, put attention on data itself.


Visit Life Web
I also designed the company website with this set of designs, feel free to visit the company web.
This is not the exclusive Energy-Saving System.